To all those who are afraid of pit bulls – look at Brinks!

If you are a person, who is afraid of dogs or particularly find pit bulls scare, then you need to look at the photos of Brinks and learn his story.
Brinks had a difficult life as a stray dog. He was abandoned upon birth and wandering in the surroundings of Brooklyn for 11 months since his birth. His life changed tremendously when he accidentally bumped into Jon and his dog – Demo, and the three of them hit it off right away.
Jon couldn’t dump Brinks like that and made a decision to help and find a loving family for Brinks.
It took many months and announcements but with no luck – nobody showed up for Brinks.
So Jon made a decision to keep Brinks as his second dog, as they were having nice time altogether and Demo was playing cheerfully with Brinks.
“The most amazing thing is how Brinks grins like a human frequently in response to situations he enjoys,” Jon says
“The most amazing thing is how Brinks grins like a human frequently in response to situations he enjoys,” Jon says
12 years have passed since his adoption – he’s still smiling!
“He smiles for treats, he smiles when you greet him in the morning and when he’s sleeping”
“He grins when he rides in the car, when he lies in the sun (or in front of the fire) and whenever he generally seems happy”. Aren’t these photos of a happy Brinks adorable?