The stunning black forest horses at the edge of extinction

The Black Forest Horse, as its name suggests, originated in the region called Baden-Württemberg that is located in southern Germany. These horses are small, hardy, yet versatile & gentle-minded – ideal companions for severe winters in the highlands. Their origin dates back to 1800’s, where the first breeding stock was created along with respective breeding regulations/guidelines for the species. Historically though those horses were documented & described as early as in the 15th century.
The body color of those magnificent creatures, as suggested by the name, is mostly dark chestnut (German: Kohlfuchs) with blonde mane. Their coloring can vary, yet the most popular color is the dark chestnut. Locals from the Black Forest refer to the Black Forest horses as the “Pearls of the Black Forest” because of their positive nature, gentle disposition, as well as sheer elegance.
Not only these horses have stunning appearance, but they were also extremely useful for farming & forestry activities, however as civilization evolved and machinery began to overtake, the owners of those horses began diversifying their use.
Nowadays you can see them elegantly pull brewery wagons, wedding carriages, and carry any size rider easily through varied terrain. Their good character and gentle disposition has earned them a well-deserved role in aiding children in therapeutic riding facilities.
Entering the new era did not pass without serious consequences for the breed of Black Forest Horses: օnly 46 state approved stallions and around 700 mares were registered in Germany back then.
In 2017, 88 stallions and 1077 mares were officially registered, which was a result of successful breeding activities, and we much hope that breeders will continue their work aimed at saving these magnificent beauties from extinction.