Police officer risks his life to save a puppy on the road

Joseph Puglia, Police Officer, was on his duty service when he saw a puppy hit by a truck on the Interstate 272. He immediately jumped out of police car and rushed to help the pup. He did not think he was risking his own life when checking whether the dog breathes or not.
Joseph firstly doubted his decision as the pup was hardly breathing, but then he realized any minute can save dog’s life and rushed to the vet. In the clinic he was told that dog, luckily, does not have any injuries that could pose a major issue for life functions, so a decision was made to send the pup to local animal shelter for further adoption.
A few days after, Officer Puglia made a decision to adopt the dog himself. He went to the shelter and took him home. He called the dog Lucky. The little one lived happily in Puglia’s family ever after owning his savior his own life.