Extremely rare white whale documented in Australia

The rare photos of a white whale were captured by the camera of 16-year-old Brayden Blake at Fingal Head, Coolangatta. He saw the magical animal swimming around 1,600ft off the shore.
The teen, just like many other people, initially thought the white whale is Migaloo, but he got shocked when he realized this was a male whale. We’ll, it’s more likely that Migaloo gave birth in the ocean?
The famous Migaloo – which means ‘white fella’ translated into Australian indigenous language – was spotted in 1991. She was declared as the only white whale to live off the coast of Australia. According to Dr Franklin, marine scientists, there are over 40,000 whales that live in these waters.
The new sighting of an all-white whale off the coast of Australia made wildlife aficionados think that it may be the child of a legendary Migaloo.
“This is the first time I’ve been able to declare that the white whale I’m looking at might not be Migaloo,” Dr. Franklin said. “Because it’s still early in the season, the sighting is consistent with it being a younger whale…this may be a second white whale, which would be extraordinary in and of itself.”
“She [Migaloo] is the sole albino whale in the eastern Australian group, which currently has over 40,000 whales, and if it’s a younger white whale, that’d only be two out of 40,000,” the marine expert explained.
Brayden Blake, who was using a drone to observe sharks in the ocean, has accidentally captured Migaloo’s baby on tape, which made quite a noise in scientific circles.
“I was out for a paddle and a surf with a friend out the back… and heard this strange singing or screaming sounds,” the 16-year-old explained. “My heart was beating… it was absolutely incredible.” I was quite fortunate to witness that.”