Dwarf Kingfisher captured on a camera for the first time

 Dwarf Kingfisher captured on a camera for the first time

It was a big sensation among the scientific circles when Miguel David De Leon and his team of scholars from the Robert S. Kennedy Bird Conservancy managed to capture the photos of extremely rare colorful birds first time in 130 years – the Dwarf Kingfisher. It was about one century and a half ago when this bird was observed in Philippines by a renowned scientist, professor  Joseph Beal Steere during his  trip to the country.

Not much was written or described about the bird, so these photos made some noise in the bird lovers groups, especially given the fact that it took 10 years for the group to find the birds in the National Park. The Dwarf Kingfisher is known to be native to Philippines and most probably at the edge of extinction, as only two nests were photographed during the trip of Robert S. Kennedy Bird Conservancy.

The bird indeed has stunning plumage, colorful features and is now characterized by its diminutive call described as a “high-pitched, insect-like, and almost inaudible zeeep.”

The scientists are now trying to describe the habitats o those kingfishers, they peculiarities and characteristics so that they can raise public awareness and ensure the protection of the species, which is extremely elusive and rare.

“The Robert S. Kennedy Bird Conservancy is a group of field workers and bird photographers that documents birds and habitats,” De Leon, biologist and CEO of the organization says. “We also contribute data previously unknown to science, with the ultimate goal of conserving species and ecosystems.”

The spectacular bird can be found on the islands of Mindanao and Basilan, so these areas need to be under protection.

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