Dog dad does not leave his pregnant girlfriend during photoshoot

 Dog dad does not leave his pregnant girlfriend during photoshoot

Gateway Pet Guardians received a call regarding a couple of stray dogs living in an abandoned house and rushed to help. The weather was getting cold and winter storm was approaching, so they wanted to bring the dogs securely into the shelters care as early as possible. It did not happen fast though, as dogs were afraid of the operation and continued to flee from their rescuers. The rescuers were looking for them for three days in the storm, when they found both the dogs and soon realized that one of them was pregnant.

Papa Memphis and Norma Jean were the names given to the male and to the female respectively. As soon as the dogs realized they are here for help, they warmed up.

“They were both afraid at first,” Brittany Fleming, adoption and foster manager at Gateway Pet Guardians, said. “But what’s fairly wonderful with rescuing dogs like that is once you get them inside with you, they leave their survival mode, start to relax, and become ordinary dogs again.”

Norma Jean was taken to medical examination which confirmed that her due date is rather soon – she is going to have her first puppies. Before the special day, the shelter staff decided to do a maternity shoot with the expecting mom and anxious dad – Papa Memphis.

Both the dogs immediately settled into the shoot, posing and enjoying their time. During the photo session, Norma was comfortable in her bed, when Papa walked over and slept directly in front of her.

“It wasn’t staged in the least.” They loved it since they were able to go out of their kennels and relax in my room for a time, as well as get a variety of special delicacies. Norma took a nap as Papa pawed at me for pets.” Said the staff member.

Norma Jean  had her puppies the next day after the maternity photo-session, and they are all  copies of their father – Papa Memphis.

The family is currently in the shelter under specialized care and doing well. Everyone at the shelter is happy to see them all doing well  – the pregnant parents were rescued just in time.

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