À quoi ressemble la fille impopulaire de Bellucci et Kassel, vivant dans l’ombre de sa sœur modèle

 À quoi ressemble la fille impopulaire de Bellucci et Kassel, vivant dans l’ombre de sa sœur modèle

Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel have two daughters together, with their eldest daughter, 18-year-old Virgo, making waves in the world of big fashion and following in the footsteps of her famous parents. Meanwhile, the youngest daughter, Leoni, tends to live in the shadow of her popular sister and is rarely seen at social events with her parents.

Fans of the stars are interested in how the unpopular heiress of the actors looks now. “And I like her even more than Virgo”, “Leoni looks more like a dad”, “Individual beauty”, “What beauties they are”, “Inherited all the best from their parents”, “Sweet girl”, “Handsome”,
“Honey”, “Daddy’s daughter”, “Female version of Kassel”, “Vincent and Monica are the most beautiful couple of all time,” fans of the former spouses say.

Did you know what the youngest daughter of Bellucci and Kassel looks like?

*EXCLUSIVE* Rio De Janeiro, BRAZIL – Vincent Cassel and wife Tina Kunakey are enjoying a family day at the beach.
Pictured: Vincent Cassel and Tina Kunakey
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