A kind woman rescued two senior horses that were left to their fate!

These two elderly horses were abandoned to their fate and were completely unnecessary after 30 years of work in one of the farms in New England.
Arthur and Max, as the horses were called, passed from one dealer to another. The horses were very weak, emaciated and sad, because their owner “got rid” of them when they grew old.
Their harsh life was softened a little thanks to their friendship. Being always together they do not feel so lonely and dreary.
These horses were placed on an online auction site and were going to be sold at very cheap prices. It is not known where they would have been taken and whether they would have survived on the road.
But fortunately, a kind-hearted woman Cindy Daigre noticed them on the site. The woman was the founder of the Ferrell Hollow Senior Horse Sanctuary. She firmly decided that would help them.
And so she did. The horses were very weak they could hardly stand on their feet. Cindy brought them to the Sanctuary and took good care of them. There were noticeable changes for the better every day.
For 2 years she surrounded them with love and care. Look how they looked after 2 years! Incredible! How lucky they were to have met a woman with such a kind heart!