A boy saves a tiny puppy from death. He grows into expensive purebred after

A third-grade schoolboy Zhenya was walking home from school that day when he met his peers on the way. To cheer up a bit they started playing Hide-and-Seek. As Zhenya was looking for a good place to hide he saw large bushes and tried to hide himself. This is when he heard a low squeak around … He turned his head and saw a small kitten, but when he picked it up from the ground, he realized it was a newborn puppy.
The puppy was very tiny, with eyes still closed and hardly moving.
Zhenya ran out of the bushes and showed the guys his finding, but the boys advised to throw the strange creature away. Zhenya made a decision to take the baby home.
Zhenya’s mother was also shocked with her son’s finding, but she made a decision to leave the cub and make an attempt to grow him. They put the puppy in a box and went to the local pet store for consultation on how and what to feed the baby.
It was not an easy journey, as the cub was very small and required much attention: he had to be pipet fed on a timed basis until he could make attempts to eat on his own.
After a while, when the baby grew up a bit, it turned out that this was a purebred Chihuahua puppy.
Bonya, as he was called, has a snow-white color and black beady eyes.
Nobody knows how this little puppy ended up alone in the bushes, but he was lucky to be found by Zhenya and now they are best friends.